Sunday 22 March 2015


One animatic to test the animators.

Angry Birds Seasons - Larry Bird plus the NBA All-Test Animation

My Animatic and some pics.

And the final animation:

2014. Angry Birds Stella "Episode 9" "The Prankster"

My Storyboard

And the final episode

THE HERON AND THE BUFFALO (Personal research)
Some researches and pics of the animatic.


The donkey and the well (Personal research)

One old tale about the relation between a donkey and a boy.
In realistic style.
It's dedicated to Yoli, who narrated it to me.

3D 360º Camera Test with ToomBoom (Personal research)

A little red ninja jumps and runs.
I used the 3D camera with ToomBoom to test the posibilities.

Some trees

Seek-end in Gåsgrund Island. Finland

The public sauna and our boat.

Monday 23 February 2015

Monday 16 February 2015

Pigargo Europeo (Haliaeetus albicilla)

Un Pigargo Europeo que avisté la semana pasada sobre los hielos de Helsinki. El primero que veo en mi vida.
Y una Corneja Cenicienta, por si "pesca" algo...
Debe ser un ejemplar joven, en busca de terreno de pesca. Y este año no hace un fro riguroso, por lo que la banquisa de la bahía comienza a deshelarse.

Am White.tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) that sighted last week, on ices of Helsinki. The fist I see in my life.
And one Hoolded crow, prepared if it can "take" something...
It must de a juvenila, seeking fishing area. And this year does not rigurous cold, so the ice of the bay begins to thaw.

Un Pygarde à queu blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla) que j'ai aperçu la semaine dernière, sur la glace de Helsinki. La première que je vois dans ma vie.
Et une Corneille mantelée, préparé si elle peut "prendre" quelque chose...
Il doit être un mineur, cherchant zone de pêche: Et cette annèe n'est rigourosement froid. La glace de la baie commence à dégeler.

Monday 2 February 2015

Barnacle goose
Bernache nonnette