Miss Naughton asks her pupils to think about an important question: what would they like to do when they grow up? Tarek (President, of course!) and Cindy (a star - no doubt about it!) are quick to reply but Max is at a loss... Until Zazie announces that she wants to become a super basketball pro - which implies (as Pedro is quick to point at) that she will have to move to America... Which has direct implications for Max: if Zazie moves to the States, that will be the end of their friendship - they won't see each other anymore! So Max is distraught...
La Srta. Naughton pide a los alumnos que piensen qué les gustaría ser de mayores. Tarek, Presidente, por supuesto! Y Cindy, una « star », sin duda. Max duda un poco Hasta Zazie anuncia que quiere convertirse en una super figura del baloncesto...Pero eso implicaría tener que mudarse a Estados Unidos... Max lo ve peor: si Zazie se traslada a los Estados, ¡será el fin de su amistad!! ¡No volverán a verse!! Max está angustiado...
You can find the final episode
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